When a series of tornadoes rocketed through the Huntsville, AL area, there was massive destruction. But now that we’ve got some distance on the tragedies, we can also learn from them. Popular Mechanics just published an overview of the lessons we learned from the terrible Huntsville tornadoes.
For individuals, they advise you to stay together—don’t get cut off from the community and its ability to band together. Keep cash in hand so you can keep supplies and food in hand. Hand-crank radios are the best way to stay in touch with civilization and its larger goings on: whether rescue announcements, messages from the government, or important community info, you need to know what’s happening.
One of the most important lessons is also one of the most surprising. In the event of an emergency, it’s a good bet to go to a national hotel chain. Big hotels not only have big stocks of food and supplies, but they also have industrial power generators, which can continue to supply life-saving power when the utilities go down.
Be sure to check out the whole post for more details on the lessons we learned from the Huntsville tornadoes.
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