By pursuing a dedicated strategy for modernization, China has been emerging among the top industrialized nations in population, manufacturing, GDP, and many other indicators of economic success. Energy production is no different.
A recent story in Bloomberg laid out China's plan to make a big splash in the solar energy industry. The Chinese government is going to model its system after Europe, spending the next year studying European countries like Germany.
The chairman of the Solar Photovoltaic Committee of China’s Renewable Energy Society expressed his interest in learning from Germany. The European countries have been making great strides in solar energy, gaining more than $65 billion in investment for the year 2010.
Many European countries—and America—have tried spur growth in alternate energies like solar through incentives and other economic devices. But economic ups and downs have rendered subsidies somewhat ineffective in creating growth. China began offering solar energy subsidies in 2009, though it canceled 39 solar energy projects, as well. Hopefully, China—and the rest of the world—will be able to figure out how to properly spur solar power growth. Its learning-based approach is heartening.
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