Europe is getting hammered pretty hard by the declining global economy. But this hasn't hindered European Union from trying to secure funding for a supergrid. Recently, the EU's Minister for Communication, Energy, and Natural Resources Eamon Ryan reached out to business leaders in Dublin. Ryan had a lot to say to the Business & Leadership Green Economy conference. Ryan exhorted business leaders to reduce carbon emissions and create a "revolution" in the green economy. He noted that there are many viable green energy technologies, including wind energy, but in order for green technology to take off, Europe will need a better energy grid. He said,
"To give us the modern electrical economy we need a modern grid, at home, and to connect north-western Europe.“European energy ministers are working on this; it’s not pie in the sky. When I go to energy council ministers, we talk about how we could connect Britain to Norway, how we fund these, the timelines.
“We are setting out the plans and we’ll be going to Europe for a review of funding for 2014. The opportunity is to match funding arrangements for future smart grids with climate-change objectives and I think we’ll succeed. Airtricity’s Eddie O’Connor has been talking about this for years, everyone is taking this serious as one of main projects in Europe."
As we've noted before, an efficient energy revolution will fail to take place unless a smart grid gets implemented. It's great to see the European Union look to the long term, past these present economic woes, and at a future composed of smart grid and green energy.
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