We came across this article concerning the poor conditions surrounding power generation in Africa. Entire families are perishing from the noxious fumes of power generators throughout the developing areas of Africa. In Lagos, Nigeria, the phenomenon is especially terrible.
Observers said that there are thousands of people dying from similar ailments days or months after they had inhaled the poisonous fumes without detecting them especially from industrial generators. With these and many cases of poisonous fumes from generators decimating especially the country's productive population, many residential quarters, especially in Lagos metropolis now live in fear. If the trend is not checked, death tolls could rise to an unimaginable proportion.Large manufacturers leak toxins and pollutants into the environment, and the effect is multiplied by the pollution let loose by power generation that's needed to fuel them. This predicament is made even more dire given the fact that Nigeria is undergoing an energy crisis. With an aging infrastructure, pollution increases and inefficiency abounds. But without outside capital investment, there is little hope for the power generation situation to improve.