Cap-and-Trade Legislation and the Industry Standard

Biofuels Processing On the Move

New Emissions Standards for Mercury Removal

Sizzling Summer Scorches Power Production

"The heat wave is affecting at least 16 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, according to the National Meteorological Center (NMC), which issued an orange-level heat alert on Tuesday, the second highest level. With temperatures over 35 degrees Celsius, the electricity load in Beijing, Tianjin, Fujian and north China hit record high on Monday."
In order to avoid power shortages throughout the rest of the Summer, Chinese power officials are working diligently to predict electricity-demand patterns from the sixteen effected areas. Whether or not global warming is real or just a theory is a whole different topic, but those in the industry of power generation would do well to take a cue from the problems China is experiencing. Until new technologies are developed and as long as global temperatures continue to rise, power costs and the demands on the resources of every nation will continue to increase.
For more information on the Chinese heat-wave, in English, click the link:
To learn more about the demands of power generation in the United States and Germany, visit the PACT website: