There is more progress being made on the climate change problem facing the United States. The Obama administration is promoting measures to reduce greenhouse emissions, and the President appeared at a solar energy installation in Florida earlier this week. The New York Times reports that the Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, told a Senate panel,
“When the starting gun sounded on the clean energy race, the United States stumbled, but I remain confident that we can make up the ground... When we gear up our research and production of clean energy technologies, we can still surpass any other country.”
This optimism is heartening for supporters of green energy, but the American Clean Energy and Security Act still languishes in the wake of the healthcare bill. The development of clean energy should add jobs to the economy and help modernize the power grid, but consumers, I suspect, will be skeptical of rising energy costs being passed along to them from power generation companies. Only time will tell if the Obama administration can come up with a real plan to reduce greenhouse emissions while keeping price increases to consumers low.